Holy Spirit Gifts Unwrapped - Pastor Darryl Stott


What is the use of a gift that sits on the shelf unwrapped? The apostle Paul said "I don't want you to be uninformed regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit!"         1 Corinthians 12.1

Spiritual gifts are not for us to own, they are the expression of God's power working through you to bless others!
You don't need them, I hear you say? Well they are not for YOU, they are for others. The real question is, are you committed to being available to God for HIM to use? 
NB! It is not enough to say you are willing, we are told to actively cultivate the ability to use them. In many Churches today it is a rare thing to hear prophesy, tongues and interpretation in our Church meetings. Not to mention the other six!

Living Word has decided to revisit the scripture, and encourage the expression of Spiritual Gifts in our Church service. It is happening again!

You may find this message challenging!

To listen click on the following link: Holy Spirit Gifts Unwrapped
